Visualizzazione post con etichetta esercizi futuro. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta esercizi futuro. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 31 gennaio 2020

esercizi inglese sul futuro e present perfect

esrcizi inglese sul futuro e present perfect

mettere I verbi nelle parentesi nel corretto tempo usando o il futuro o Il presente o il present perfect

1) when we (take)……………………. our exam we'll have a holiday
2) when I (finish) …………………. the book I'll lend it to you
3) when we (have) ………………….. our injections I expect we'll feel awful
4) when I (be) ………………………. here for a year I'll ask for a rise
5) when Tom (go)…………………..  I'll tell you a secret
6) By the time he...…………………(get) back from his holiday the milkman will have left twenty-one bottles of milk outside his door
7) dont' drive  at more than 50 k.p.h. till your car ……………………..(do) 4.000 kilometres
8) when you ……………………….(do ) 4.000 kilometres  you can drive  it at 70 k.p.h.
9) when you open the safe you...…………………….(see)  a small black box.
10) when we ………………………..have lunch we'll go to the museum.


1) have taken
2)  have finished /finish
3)  have had
4)  have been
5)  goes/ has gone
6) gets/has got
7) has done
8) have done
9) will see
10) have had

venerdì 10 gennaio 2020

inglese - esercizi sul futuro

inglese - esercizi sul futuro

mettere I verbi tra parentesi al present continuous o be going to

1) I …………………(play) bridge tonight with Tony and Ann
2) He ………………(have) an operation next week
3)  It's very cold. I ………………..(light)  a fire
4)  we ………………(have)  some friends to lunch tomorrow
5) I've bought  a piano; it ………………….(be)  delivered this afternoon. Where you ……………..(put) it? I ………….(put) it in the dining room.
6) you ………..(go) to the auction tomorrow ?
yes, I …………(go)  but I ………………….(not buy) anything
7)  I've reminded you once; I (not do) it again
8)  I ……………….(have)  my hair cut this afternoon
9) My nephew  ………….(come)  to stay with me next weekend. Where you ………….(put )  him? I …………(put) him in the room in the tower
10)  our class …………..(start) German  next term

1) am playing
2)  is having
3) am going to light
4)  are having
5)  is being, are you putting, am putting
6)  are you going, am going, am not buying
7) am not going todo
8) am having
9) is coming, are you putting, am putting
10)  is strarting