inglese - reading comprehension
capire parole sconosciute dal contesto senza tradurle
queste parole probabilmente risultano sconosciute prese una per volta ma quando sono in una frase è semplice capire il loro significato
Quindi cercate di capire il significato in queste frasi con la deduzione
I gripped the wheel as hard as I could with both hands and began to turn it.
Grip deve essere un verbo tipo hold oppure take hold of quindi stringere
the cobbler had just finished repairing my shoes when I went into his little shop.
cobbler può essere solo un uomo che aggiusta le scarpe quindi calzolaio
I put the jack under the car and turned the handle until two of the car's wheel were off the ground
the jack può essere solo il cric
1) the badger slowly moved out from the trees into the open ground, we could see its black and White head clarly in the moolight
2) " It's no use " he admitted gloomily " I shall never be able to do it"
3) Someone had spilt a Whole cup of tea over my bread which was now soggy and impossible to eat
4) When he heard his enemies looking for him he wriggled back carefully and quietly into the Leaves
5) The waiter took their order, he looked hot and greasy as if the cook hae fried him with the food
6) Sudden shriek of horror from outside the door caused me to drop the egg on the floor
7) Tuck your shirt inside your trousers, it looks most untidy hanging out like that
8) He stepped back fell over the dog and sat down in the large puddle his trousers were wet through
9) I felt a strong sense of relief when that weekend was over. It was as if all my problems and worries ha suddenly been removed
10) Almost exhausted, he tottered the last few metres to the finish and fell into the arms of his waiting friends.
11) I felt a real dunce because I had understood nothing and written nothing by the time all the Others in the class had finished the question
12) The little girl cuddled he doll livingly as she lay in bed
13) I found it very difficult to see what I was eating in the dimly-lit restaurant
14) don't look so glum ! things may get better
15) I was Woken by the sound of a thrush singing from a branch on the tree ouside my bedroom window
1) the badger deve essere un animale con la testa bianca e nera
quindi un tasso
2) gloomily opuò essere triste e sconsolato perché non riesce ad usarlo
3) soggy è il pane su cui si è versato il tè quindi inzuppato
4) per evitare il nemico wriggled si nascose oppure sgattaiolo sotto le foglie
5) greasy è il cameriere che sembra essere stato cucinato cioè sudato
6) shriek di terrore può esser un grido che mi ha spaventato
7) tuck con la camicia nei pantaloni si può infilare
8) puddle è caduto e si è bagnato i pantaloni quindi pozzanghera
9) ho dimenticato tutti i problemi quindi ho provato relief quindi sollievo
10) tottered i metri possono essere percorsi
11) non ho capito niente quindi mi sentìì un dunce quindi un somaro
12) cuddled la bambina cosa fa con la bambola a letto la abbraccia la coccola
13) dimly si fa fatica a vedere quello che si mangia quindi scarsamente illluminato
14) glum le cose potranno andare meglio quindi non essere depresso
15) thrush cosa può cantare su un albero fuori dalla finestra un uccello quindi un usignolo
Visualizzazione post con etichetta AVANZATO - READING COMPREHENSION. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta AVANZATO - READING COMPREHENSION. Mostra tutti i post
venerdì 2 marzo 2018
martedì 9 febbraio 2016
inglese - reading comprehension
inglese - reading comprehension LIVELLO AVANZATO
this section is useful to teste vocaburary and formal gramatical control
you are required to fill in a blank a sentence with one of four given words or phrases
here an example
she quickly washed the milk off the carpet so that it wouldn't leave a ........................
A stain B colour C fault D remark
answer : A
the text is intended to test your understanding of which word is correct in a particular context
it is important to remember that whatever choice you make you answer must be correct in both
meaning and structure
do you ............. to my smoking a pipe
A mind B excuse C object D dislike
all these choise seem to express a similar meaning tha of "not liking" but only one i s structurally correct
choice C object is correct because it is followed by to
mind dislike an excuse cannot be followed by to
example 2
be careful when you enter the prison. There are some very .......... guard dogs
A tame B friendly C beautiful D fierce
all the choice are adjective and would be appropriate from a sructural poin of view but A B C cannot be correct (why should you be careful of such charming guard dogs D fierce is there fore the right answer
example 3
However hard you tried he never ........ to swim more than 100 metres
A succeeded B failed C realised D managed
A succeeded has the right kind of meaning but is wrong structurally because succeede shoud be followed by in
B failed is right structurally but has the wrong meaning
C realised is wrong in meaning and structure
D managed is correct in meaning and structure ( managed is followed by TO )
remember to read the sentences carefully and check that your choice is correct both in sturcture and meaning
your aim in preparing for rhis section is to broaden your understanding of the correcti use of English
words and phrases
different way + preposition combination, phrasal verbs general vocabulary idiomatic expression
Word which cause special difficulties
to prepare this part of examination you must be willing to do a lot of work by yourself and is recommend the use of a good English-English dictionary
it is very important that your dictionary should you explain the various meaning of words but gshoul also give clear examples of how they are used
this section is useful to teste vocaburary and formal gramatical control
you are required to fill in a blank a sentence with one of four given words or phrases
here an example
she quickly washed the milk off the carpet so that it wouldn't leave a ........................
A stain B colour C fault D remark
answer : A
the text is intended to test your understanding of which word is correct in a particular context
it is important to remember that whatever choice you make you answer must be correct in both
meaning and structure
do you ............. to my smoking a pipe
A mind B excuse C object D dislike
all these choise seem to express a similar meaning tha of "not liking" but only one i s structurally correct
choice C object is correct because it is followed by to
mind dislike an excuse cannot be followed by to
example 2
be careful when you enter the prison. There are some very .......... guard dogs
A tame B friendly C beautiful D fierce
all the choice are adjective and would be appropriate from a sructural poin of view but A B C cannot be correct (why should you be careful of such charming guard dogs D fierce is there fore the right answer
example 3
However hard you tried he never ........ to swim more than 100 metres
A succeeded B failed C realised D managed
A succeeded has the right kind of meaning but is wrong structurally because succeede shoud be followed by in
B failed is right structurally but has the wrong meaning
C realised is wrong in meaning and structure
D managed is correct in meaning and structure ( managed is followed by TO )
remember to read the sentences carefully and check that your choice is correct both in sturcture and meaning
your aim in preparing for rhis section is to broaden your understanding of the correcti use of English
words and phrases
different way + preposition combination, phrasal verbs general vocabulary idiomatic expression
Word which cause special difficulties
to prepare this part of examination you must be willing to do a lot of work by yourself and is recommend the use of a good English-English dictionary
it is very important that your dictionary should you explain the various meaning of words but gshoul also give clear examples of how they are used
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