inglese - the definite article
The definitive article is the. It is the same for singular and plural and for all genders :
The boy the boys the girl the girls
use of the definite article
The definite article is used
a) before nouns of which there is only one or which is considered as one :
the earth the sky the weather
b) before a noun which ha become definite as a result of being mentioned a second time
HIs car struck a tree you can still see the mark on the tree.
c) before a noun made definite by addition of a phrase or clause
the girl in blue
The boy that I met
d) before noun which by reason of locality can represent only particular thing
Ann is in the garden (the garden of this house )
e) befor superlatives and first second and only used as adjectives o pronouns
Mount Blanc is the highest mountain in Europe.
1) the + singular noun can represent a class of animals or things :
The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.
the can however be used before a member of a certain Group of people
the small shopkeepers are finding life difficult
the + singolar noun as used above takes a singular verb the pronoun is he she it
the firsr-class traveller pays more so he expects some comfort
2) the + adjective represent a class of persons
the old = old people in general
The verb is plural the pronoun is they
the Young are impatient
3) the is used before certain proper name of sea river groups of islands chains of mountains plural names of countries desert
The arctic
the Alps
the sahara
the is also used before names consisting of noun + of + noun
The cape of Good Hope
The Gulf of Mexico
the is used before name consisting of adjective + noun
The giold Coast
The New Forest
the is not used before west east erc + noun
Yucatan is in North America
I go to the South (noun)
the is used before musical instrument
play the flute
the is used before the names of meals if these are qualified by clause
The dinners Peter used to give were really memorable
the definite article is not used
1) before name of places except as sgown above o before names of people
the + plural surname can be used to mean family
the Smiths = mr and mrs Smith (and children)
the + singular name can be used to distinguish one person from another of the same name
The mr Smith who works in the Post Office.
Note also that althouth the is not used before title + noun
Capitain Jones was talking
but it is used before title alone
the captain seemed angry
we also use the before title containing of
The Duke of York
Finally it is possible to adress two unmarried sister as The Misses + surname
The misses Jones
2) before abstract nouns except when thy are used in a particular sense
men fear Death
the Death of the Prime Minister
3) After noun in the possessive case o possesive adjective :
The boy's uncle
it is my blue book = The blue book is mine
4) Before name of meals
they have porridge for breakfast
but the wedding breakfast
5) Before parts of the body and articles clothing at these normally prefer a possessive adjective
Raise your right hand
he took off his coat
the john's face
Note that in some languages the definite article is used before indefinitre plural noun but that in English the is never used in this way
women ar expected to like housework (women in general)
if we use the before women it would mean that we were referring to a particular Group of women
nature where it means the spirit creating an motivating the world of plants and animals is used without the
if you interfere with nature you will suffer for it
6) omission of the before home Church market school hospital etc.
When it is used alone is not preceded or followed by a descriptive word or phrase the is omitted
he went home
but when hom is preceded or followed by a descriptive word or phrase it is treated like any other noun as regards articles and prepositions
we went to the bride's home
chapel Church market college school hospital court prison work sea bed
these nouns are used without the when they are visited or used for their primary purpose
to school
to college
to market
to work
when these places are visited for other reasos the article is used
I went to the Church to see the carvings
He comes to the school sometimes to speak to the headmaster
in contrast these nouns take the
cathedral office cinema theatre