Visualizzazione post con etichetta esercizi phrasal verbs. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta esercizi phrasal verbs. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 7 ottobre 2024

inglese - esercizi con i phrasal verbs

 inglese - esercizi con i phrasal verbs

Ecco alcuni esercizi con i phrasal verbs e le relative soluzioni per aiutarti a praticare:

Esercizio 1: Completa le frasi con il corretto phrasal verb

Scegli tra i seguenti phrasal verbs: take off, give up, look after, turn on, find out, pick up

  1. My plane will __________ at 7 a.m., so I need to leave early.
  2. I want to __________ smoking because it’s bad for my health.
  3. Can you __________ the lights, please? It’s too dark in here.
  4. Sarah __________ her little brother while their parents are away.
  5. I need to __________ what time the train leaves tomorrow.
  6. I’ll __________ you __________ at the station at 5 p.m.


  1. take off
  2. give up
  3. turn on
  4. looks after
  5. find out
  6. pick up

Esercizio 2: Scegli il corretto phrasal verb

Scegli il phrasal verb corretto per completare ogni frase. Opzioni: get along with, break down, look up, turn down, put up with, run out of

  1. The car __________ on the highway, so we had to call for help.
  2. I __________ my friend really well, we never argue.
  3. I had to __________ the job offer because it wasn’t suitable for me.
  4. We __________ sugar, so I need to go to the store.
  5. I can't __________ his rude behavior anymore, it's too much.
  6. If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you should __________ it __________ in the dictionary.


  1. broke down
  2. get along with
  3. turn down
  4. ran out of
  5. put up with
  6. look it up

Esercizio 3: Traduci usando i phrasal verbs

Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese utilizzando un phrasal verb appropriato.

  1. Dovresti smettere di fumare.
  2. Accendi la luce, per favore.
  3. Il mio computer si è rotto ieri.
  4. Non posso sopportare il rumore.
  5. Lui si prende cura di suo nonno.
  6. Quando decolla l'aereo?


  1. You should give up smoking.
  2. Turn on the light, please.
  3. My computer broke down yesterday.
  4. I can't put up with the noise.
  5. He looks after his grandfather.
  6. When does the plane take off?

Questi esercizi ti permetteranno di migliorare la tua comprensione e l'uso dei phrasal verbs!