Visualizzazione post con etichetta esercizi su forma comparativa e superlativa. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta esercizi su forma comparativa e superlativa. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 23 settembre 2024

inglese - esercizi sulla forma comparativa e superlativa

 Ecco alcuni esercizi per praticare la forma comparativa e superlativa in inglese


Esercizio 1: Completa le frasi con la forma comparativa corretta

  1. My car is __________ (fast) than your car.
  2. This book is __________ (interesting) than the one I read last week.
  3. The weather today is __________ (bad) than yesterday.
  4. Susan is __________ (tall) than her sister.
  5. My house is __________ (big) than yours.


  1. faster
  2. more interesting
  3. worse
  4. taller
  5. bigger

Esercizio 2: Completa le frasi con la forma superlativa corretta

  1. This is the __________ (good) pizza I've ever eaten.
  2. Mount Everest is the __________ (high) mountain in the world.
  3. He is the __________ (funny) person in the office.
  4. Today is the __________ (cold) day of the year.
  5. That was the __________ (exciting) match I've ever watched.


  1. best
  2. highest
  3. funniest
  4. coldest
  5. most exciting

Esercizio 3: Scegli tra comparativo o superlativo e completa le frasi

  1. This exam is __________ (difficult) than the one we had last week.
  2. She is the __________ (intelligent) student in the class.
  3. I think that running is __________ (good) than walking for staying fit.
  4. My brother is __________ (old) than me.
  5. It was the __________ (bad) day of my life.


  1. more difficult
  2. most intelligent
  3. better
  4. older
  5. worst

Esercizio 4: Trasforma le frasi da comparativo a superlativo

  1. She is taller than all her friends. → She is the __________ in the group.
  2. This is more expensive than the other options. → This is the __________ option.
  3. Today is hotter than yesterday. → Today is the __________ day of the week.
  4. He is more famous than anyone in his town. → He is the __________ person in his town.
  5. This exercise is easier than the others. → This is the __________ exercise.


  1. tallest
  2. most expensive
  3. hottest
  4. most famous
  5. easiest

Esercizio 5: Completa usando "" o la forma comparativa

  1. Sarah is __________ (tall) her brother. (uguale)
  2. This book is __________ (interesting) the movie. (più)
  3. Your bag is __________ (big) mine. (uguale)
  4. My car is __________ (expensive) yours. (meno)
  5. His house is __________ (far) than mine. (più)


  1. as tall as
  2. more interesting than
  3. as big as
  4. less expensive than
  5. farther/further

Questi esercizi ti aiuteranno a praticare e a capire meglio l'uso delle forme comparative e superlative in inglese. Se hai dubbi, fammi sapere!