domenica 15 settembre 2024

inglese - esercizi su verbi con soluzioni

 Ecco una serie di esercizi  di inglese, con un livello intermedio (B1-B2), accompagnati dalle soluzioni. Questi esercizi riguardano grammatica, vocabolario e comprensione del testo.

Esercizio 1: Present Perfect vs Past Simple

Completa le frasi scegliendo tra Present Perfect o Past Simple.

  1. I ______ (finish) my homework an hour ago.
  2. She ______ (live) in Paris since 2010.
  3. We ______ (already/see) that movie.
  4. They ______ (not/be) to London yet.
  5. He ______ (visit) his grandparents last weekend.


  1. finished
  2. has lived
  3. have already seen
  4. haven’t been
  5. visited

Esercizio 2: Phrasal Verbs

Abbina i verbi composti (phrasal verbs) al loro significato.

  1. Give up
  2. Look after
  3. Run into
  4. Turn down
  5. Pick up

a) incontrare per caso
b) prendersi cura di
c) rifiutare
d) rinunciare
e) prendere qualcosa o qualcuno


1 - d) Give up → rinunciare
2 - b) Look after → prendersi cura di
3 - a) Run into → incontrare per caso
4 - c) Turn down → rifiutare
5 - e) Pick up → prendere qualcosa o qualcuno

Esercizio 4: Condizionali

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo al condizionale.

  1. If I ______ (be) you, I would study harder.
  2. If it ______ (rain), we will cancel the picnic.
  3. If they had left earlier, they ______ (arrive) on time.
  4. If I ______ (win) the lottery, I would travel the world.
  5. If he ______ (ask) me, I would have helped him.


  1. were
  2. rains
  3. would have arrived
  4. won
  5. had asked

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