sabato 5 settembre 2015

inglese - verbi difettivi

il verbo difettivo non ha l'infinito  non prende la s alla terza persona singolare  del presente indicativo
e il to dell'infinito che viene omesso

He must go      deve andare

per le forme negative  ed interrogative

He must not go      non deve andare

must he go ?            deve andare?

mustn't Richard go ?      Riccardo non deve andare ?

anche can è un verbo difettivo

can you  come Tomorrow ?      puoi venire  domani ?

he can speak English well        parla bene inglese

you must  do it                  devi farlo

INGLESE regole d'ortografia per i verbi

nell'aggiungere le desinenze dei verbi  (-s alla terza persona  singolare del presente indicativo oppure -ed per formare il passato e i participio passato
-ing per formare il gerundio)  si devono tener presente  le regole generali di ortografia

ma quando l'infinito termina in ie si cambia la  si cambia la ie in y  prima di aggiungere -ing

infinito                3 persona singolare                 passato prossimo         gerundio
                            presente indicativo

to invent                invents                                     invented                   inventing

to brush                 brushes                                    brushed                     brushing

to study                 studies                                      studied                     studying

to stop                   stops                                         stopped                    stopping

to refer                  refers                                         referred                   referring

to travel                travels                                        travelled                  travelling

to do                     does                                             did                           doing

to love                   loves                                          loved                       loving

di die                     dies                                            died                         dying         

INGLESE have + participio passato

tutti i  verbi composti si hanno con to have che  traduce l'ausiliare  essere anche nei verbi di movimento

egli è andato                     he has gone

è iniziato il concerto         the concert has begun

si usa il verbo essere to be solo nella forna passiva o se il participio passato è usato come aggettivo

fu visto    he was seen

egli è soddisfatto     he is satisfied

il verbo to have con un participio passato dà l'idea di azione mentre il verbo to be con ili participio passato danno idea di stato

il  fiore è appassito   the flower is withered

il fiore è appassito molto presto  the flower has withered very soon

mercoledì 2 settembre 2015


In electrical work a conductor is defined as a material which allows the free passage of an electric current along it, while  the term insulator  indicates a material which offers an extremely  high resistance  to the passage of an electric  current
There is no such thing as a perfect insulator for all substance conduct electricity to a Greater o lesser extent, but the difference in resistivity  between  conductors and insulator  is so enormous that there is no possible ambiguity in this classification
Thus slate , which  is a relatively poor insulator has nevertheless a resistivity  10/12 times higher than a high-resistance  alloy, which is a bad conductor  while the ratio between the resistivity  of the worst and best  conductors is much smaller
the resistivity of nichrome for istance is about seventy times the of copper
those materials which fall in between conductor and insulator  are classed as semi-conductors (germanium
The resistivity of any material is a constant for any specified temperature m but  varies with this 
The resistance of copper and most othe r conductor  increases with temperature
the resistance of  constantan and other usful alloy  is pratically constant within wid limits of temperature  while resistance of carbon of electrolytes and  of most  dielectrics decreases as  the  temperature rises
Because of this decrease in resistance which occurs in insulating materials a limit in the rise in temperature is imposed in their applications, otherwise the insulation would break down to cause a leakage current or even a short circuit
conductor and insulators  used in electrical work are extremely  veried and of a most diverse nature 
Because no single material can be used too extensively both for costs and availability  different materials are usually combined  to fhve the required  properties  of mechanical strength adaptability and  reliability

martedì 1 settembre 2015


read these sentences through then replace  quality and  characteristic  y property or grade

1.  materials are accurately tested so that their electrical characteristics can be  assesse and compared

2. the oxid film which forms on alluminium increas its corrosion-resisting  qualities

3. the body  of a high breaking capacity  cartridge  fuse  is  of high-qualitiy  ceramic

4. the most important  quality of copper is  its high electrical conductivity the early 20th  century it was discovered that electron emission  from heated metals  is a true quality of the metals  themselves  and is not  a secondary  effect due to the presence  of gas

6. paper thugh higly hygrospocpic is used as  an insulator in many applications on account of its  flexibility and good electric qualities

7. welded-seam conduit  is used for most commercial quality  installation  work

8. the magnetic qualities  of iron  and cerain special iron alloys are essential to commercial electrical  machine and trasformers

9. the quality  of this uranium ore is too low  for economic working

10. it is  seldom possible  to obtai in one material the ideal mechanical and electrical  characteristics

mercoledì 5 agosto 2015

inglese - L'IMPERATIVO

L'imperativo  ha di suo solo la seconda persona che è uguale per il singolare e plurale

Explain what do you mean  spiega (spiegate) che cosa vuoi (volete) dire

Per la prima persona plurale  e la terza persona singolare e plurale si ricorre ad una forma composta con il verbo to let (lasciare)  la costruzione è la seguente : let+ nome  o pronome + infinito senza il to

let us see  vediamo (letteralmente lasciaci vedere)


il modo condizionale in italiano si  traduce in inglese con un tempo indicativo  che i grammatici chiamano future in the past (futuro nel passato
esso si forma con l'ausiliare  should (passato di shall) e spesso con would (passato di will)
per la prima persona  singolare e plurale
questi ausiliari  sono seguiti  dall'infinito senza il to

I should /would   invent                    inventerei
you would  invent                             inventeresti
he would invent                                inventerebbe
we would invent                               inventeremmo
you would invent                              inventereste
they would invent                             inventerebbero